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This is another selection of altered images done in photodeluxe...
Here are a few photo's converted from their original compositions.

This was one of my old B/W 35mm photos...
Taken about 15 years ago. I took a digital photo of the original then filed it as a jpeg. Had a play around with it in the Adobe box of tricks. All distorted images were done in a matter of minutes. Boy, I wish I had one at home.
I love the colours in this manipulation
As above, but mashed up with the effects tools. I like the composition and symbology behind the image, so it works for me in whatever colour/effect is used.
As above... below
Spooky scene of this enigmatic shot done of a friends hand under a light. The central light is a relection from the original 35mm photograph... a happy accident.
Yin-Yang in a blender
This is a manipulation of a self-styled yin-yang photo I created as an art piece some years ago. My art work has not been publicly displayed... I just like to create thought provoking pieces, usually made from found objects and materials.
Pastel prisms
Taken from the same original image as above but done with a different set of art tools on the programme. I do like this pastel version...mmmmmm
A portal through the sun
A total colour exercise - a quantum leap from the original black, white and silver composition.
Visions in the void
I love this. I just wish that I could have a massive canvas of this image. It is nothing at all like the original photo it was taken from... being hands under a light source. It is what it is, whatever that IS.

Next... photo page 6. Check out the custom pages aswell.